Composite Lining System

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Composite Lining Systems provides GlassBore® Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) lining service for casing and tubing placed into corrosive service. GRE is widely regarded as an effective barrier to corrosion in carbon steel tubular products. Composite Lining Systems combines years of experience with comprehensive GRE lining technologies to provide cost-effective and customer-friendly service over a wide variety of applications.

  • Cost Effective GlassBore® Glass Reinforced Epoxy lined tubing provides premium ID protection against corrosion.
  • Composite Strength - GlassBore® GRE is fabricated from a fiberglass reinforced epoxy resin system.
  • Durable - GlassBore® provides a reliable, impact-resistant barrier against mechanical damage.
  • Holiday Free - GlassBore® eliminates ID exposure to corrosive fluids and gases, extends life of tubular goods in corrosive service.
  • Proven Technology - Glass-Reinforced Epoxy is widely recognized to be a longer lasting alternative to Internal Plastic Coating.
  • Compatible - GlassBore® shares nearly-identical dimensions with competitive GRE-lined tubular products and can be made up in mixed strings.




Integral Joint-GL

Integral Joint GL Bisectional Illusration Integral Joint GL Bisectional Illusration

Two Step-8 TR GL

Two step-8 TR GL Bisectional Illusration Two step-8 TR GL Bisectional Illusration

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