Composite Lining System

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GlassWrap® is an epoxy-wetted fabric applied to casing and tubing as a guard against OD corrosion. Since 2013, over 2.5 million feet have been placed into corrosive service. Our quality-minded customers apply GlassWrap® onto the OD of carbon steel tubing installed into the unprotected open hole between packers in dual completions and above submergible pumps in hot, corrosive CO2 and Oil Production tubing. Production casing installed through flowing aquifers or formations bearing salt water and other corrosive fluids stands to  benefit from the durable external protection provided by CLS GlassWrap®. Our objective is to extend the life of the well by preventing the almost certain destruction of steel casing across an insufficiently cemented interval.

GlassWrap Spec Sheet (PDF)


  • Durable External Protection - for oilfield tubulars and line pipe
  • Proven Technology - prevents OD corrosion in extreme environments
  • Hardened Epoxy Wrap - outperforms less durable alternatives
  • Proven CLS Service and Support - crossing all product lines


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